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Oceans and Marine Geochemistry: Treatise on Geochemistry, Vol 6 > 지구과학/천문학


Oceans and Marine Geochemistry: Treatise on Geochemistry, Vol 6
판매가격 15,000원
저자 H. Elderfield, H. Elderfield (Editor), H. D. Holland (Editor), K. K. Turekian (Editor)
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2005-5
페이지수 646
ISBN 9780080451015
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    1. Introduction to ocean geochemistry (H. Elderfield). 2. Physico-chemical controls on seawater (F.J. Millero). 3. Controls on trace metals in seawater (K.W. Bruland). 4. Gases in seawater (P.S. Liss). 5. The biological pump (C.L. de la Rocha). 6. Marine bio-inorganic chemistry (F.M.M. Morel). 7. Marine organic geochemistry (T.I. Eglington, D.J. Repeta). 8. The geochemical budget for seawater (D.Archer, H. Elderfield). 9. Estuarine and coastal processes (L.K. Benninger, C.S Martens). 10. Hydrothermal processes (C.R. German, K.L. Von Damm). 11. Tracers of ocean mixing (W.J. Jenkins). 12. Chemical tracers of particle transport (R.F. Anderson). 13. Benthic fluxes and early diagenesis (S.R. Emerson, J.I. Hedges).
    14. Geochronometry of marine deposits (K.K. Turekian, M.P. Bacon). 15. Elemental and isotopic proxies of past ocean temperatures (D.W. Lea). 16. Alkenones as paleotemperature indicators (T.D. Herbert). 17. Geochemical evidence for quaternary sea-level changes (R. L. Edwards). 18. Tracers of ocean mixing in the past (J. Lynch-Steiglitz). 19. The biological pump in the past (D.M. Sigman, G.H. Haug). 20. The oceanic CaCO3 cycle (W.S. Broecker).
    21. Quaternary seawater composition (D.P. Schrag). 22. Cenozoic ocean chemistry - records from multiple proxies (G.E. Ravizza, J.C. Zachos). 23. The early history of seawater (H.D. Holland).
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