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Water-Resources Engineering > 지구과학/천문학


Water-Resources Engineering
판매가격 19,000원
저자 David A. Chin
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Pearson Education
발행언어 영어
발행일 2006-4
페이지수 976
ISBN 9780131481923
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    Preface xiii
    1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Water-Resources Engineering 1
    1.2 The Hydrologic Cycle 3
    1.3 Design of Water-Resource Systems 5
    1.3.1 Water-Control Systems 6
    1.3.2 Water-Use Systems 7
    1.4 About This Book 7
    2 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 9
    2.1 Introduction 9
    2.2 Physical Properties of Water 9
    2.3 Fluid Statics 16
    2.3.1 Pressure Distribution in Static Fluids 16
    2.3.2 Pressure Measurements 19
    2.3.3 Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces 22
    2.3.4 Hydrostatic Forces on Curved Surfaces 26
    2.4 Fluid Kinematics 32
    2.4.1 Turbulence 33
    2.4.2 Reynolds Transport Theorem 34
    2.5 Fluid Dynamics 35
    2.5.1 Conservation of Mass 35
    2.5.2 Conservation of Momentum 36
    2.5.3 Conservation of Energy 51
    2.6 Dimensional Analysis and Similitude 53
    Summary 59
    Problems 59
    3 Flow in Closed Conduits 65
    3.1 Introduction 65
    3.2 Single Pipelines 65
    3.2.1 Continuity Equation 65
    3.2.2 Momentum Equation 67
    3.2.3 Energy Equation 80
    3.3 Multiple Pipelines 93
    3.3.1 Nodal Method 94
    3.3.2 Loop Method 97
    3.4 Pumps 101
    3.4.1 Affinity Laws 105
    3.4.2 Operating Point 107
    3.4.3 Limits on Pump Location 111
    3.4.4 Multiple-Pump Systems 114
    3.5 Design of Water Distribution Systems 116
    3.5.1 Components of a Distribution System 116
    3.5.2 Water Demand 117
    3.5.3 Pipelines 127
    3.5.4 Operating Criteria for Water-Distribution Systems 128
    3.5.5 Network Analysis 132
    Summary 133
    Problems 133
    4 Flow in Open Channels 138
    4.1 Introduction 138
    4.2 Basic Principles 138
    4.2.1 Continuity Equation 139
    4.2.2 Momentum Equation 139
    4.2.3 Energy Equation 151
    4.3 Water Surface Profiles 161
    4.3.1 Profile Equation 161
    4.3.2 Classification of Water-Surface Profiles 163
    4.3.3 Hydraulic Jump 167
    4.3.4 Computation of Water-Surface Profiles 170
    4.4 Hydraulic Structures 177
    4.4.1 Weirs 177
    4.4.2 Parshall Flume 187
    4.4.3 Gates 191
    4.4.4 Culverts 196
    4.5 Design of Open Channels 204
    4.5.1 Basic Principles 205
    4.5.2 Lined Channels 208
    4.5.3 Unlined Channels 212
    4.5.4 Grass-Lined Channels 219
    4.6 Design of Sanitary-Sewer Systems 224
    4.6.1 Design Flows 224
    4.6.2 Hydraulics of Sewers 227
    4.6.3 Sewer-Pipe Material 230
    4.6.4 System Layout 230
    4.6.5 Sulfide Generation 234
    4.6.6 Design Computations 236
    4.7 Computer Models 242
    Summary 243
    Problems 244
    5 Probability and Statistics in Water-Resources Engineering 250
    5.1 Introduction 250
    5.2 Probability Distributions 251
    5.2.1 Discrete Probability Distributions 251
    5.2.2 Continuous Probability Distributions 252
    5.2.3 Mathematical Expectation and Moments 253
    5.2.4 Return Period 257
    5.2.5 Common Probability Functions 258
    5.3 Analysis of Hydrologic Data 279
    5.3.1 Estimation of Population Distribution 279
    5.3.2 Estimation of Population Parameters 285
    5.3.3 Frequency Analysis 288
    5.4 Floods 294
    Summary 295
    Problems 295
    6 Surface-Water Hydrology 299
    6.1 Introduction 299
    6.2 Rainfall 299
    6.2.1 Local Rainfall 300
    6.2.2 Spatially Averaged Rainfall 310
    6.2.3 Design Rainfall 312
    6.3 Rainfall Abstractions 323
    6.3.1 Interception 323
    6.3.2 Depression Storage 325
    6.3.3 Infiltration 326
    6.3.4 Rainfall Excess on Composite Areas 345
    6.4 Runoff Models 348
    6.4.1 Time of Concentration 349
    6.4.2 Peak-Runoff Models 359
    6.4.3 Continuous-Runoff Models 365
    6.5 Routing Models 387
    6.5.1 Hydrologic Routing 387
    6.5.2 Hydraulic Routing 394
    6.6 Water Quality Models 396
    6.6.1 USGS Model 397
    6.6.2 EPA Model 399
    6.7 Design of Stormwater Management Systems 400
    6.7.1 Minor System 401
    6.7.2 Runoff Controls 415
    6.7.3 Major System 436
    6.8 Evapotranspiration 436
    6.8.1 The Penman-Monteith Equation 438
    6.8.2 Evaporation Pans 447
    6.9 Computer Models 448
    Summary 449
    Problems 450
    7 Ground-Water Hydrology 459
    7.1 Introduction 459
    7.2 Basic Equations of Ground-Water Flow 464
    7.2.1 Darcy\'s Law 464
    7.2.2 General Flow Equation 476
    7.2.3 Two-Dimensional Approximations 481
    7.3 Solutions of the Ground-Water Flow Equation 493
    7.3.1 Steady Uniform Flow in a Confined Aquifer 493
    7.3.2 Steady Uniform Flow in an Unconfined Aquifer 494
    7.3.3 Steady Unconfined Flow Between Two Reservoirs 495
    7.3.4 Steady Flow to a Well in a Confined Aquifer 498
    7.3.5 Steady Flow to a Well in an Unconfined Aquifer 501
    7.3.6 Steady Flow to a Well in a Leaky Confined Aquifer 504
    7.3.7 Steady Flow to a Well in an Unconfined Aquifer with Recharge 509
    7.3.8 Unsteady Flow to a Well in a Confined Aquifer 511
    7.3.9 Unsteady Flow to a Well in an Unconfined Aquifer 517
    7.3.10 Unsteady Flow to a Well in a Leaky Confined Aquifer 519
    7.3.11 Partially Penetrating Wells 522
    7.4 Principle of Superposition 525
    7.4.1 Multiple Wells 525
    7.4.2 Well in Uniform Flow 528
    7.5 Method of Images 530
    7.5.1 Constant-Head Boundary 530
    7.5.2 Impermeable Boundary 533
    7.5.3 Other Applications 536
    7.6 Saltwater Intrusion 536
    7.7 Ground-Water Flow in the Unsaturated Zone 541
    7.8 Engineered Systems 545
    7.8.1 Design of Wellfields 545
    7.8.2 Design of Water-Supply Wells 547
    7.8.3 Wellhead Protection 559
    7.8.4 Design of Aquifer Pumping Tests 563
    7.8.5 Slug Test 568
    7.8.6 Design of Exfiltration Trenches 572
    7.9 Computer Models 576
    Summary 577
    Problems 578
    8 Hydrologic Fate and Transport Processes 585
    8.1 Introduction 585
    8.2 Water Quality 585
    8.2.1 Measures of Water Quality 586
    8.2.2 Water-Quality Standards 593
    8.3 Fate and Transport Processes 597
    8.4 Rivers and Streams 601
    8.4.1 Initial Mixing 602
    8.4.2 Longitudinal Dispersion 608
    8.4.3 Spills 611
    8.4.4 Oxygen-Sag Model 618
    8.5 Lakes 627
    8.5.1 Near-Shore Mixing Model 628
    8.5.2 Eutrophication 630
    8.5.3 Thermal Stratification 634
    8.5.4 Completely Mixed Model 635
    8.6 Ocean Discharges 639
    8.6.1 Near-Field Mixing 640
    8.6.2 Far-Field Mixing 648
    8.7 Ground Water 653
    8.7.1 Dispersion Models 655
    8.7.2 Transport Processes 661
    8.7.3 Fate Processes 668
    8.7.4 Nonaqueous-Phase Liquids 676
    8.8 Computer Models 678
    Summary 680
    Problems 681
    A Units and Conversion Factors 687
    A.1 Units 687
    A.2 Conversion Factors 688
    B Fluid Properties 691
    B.1 Water 691
    B.2 Organic Compounds Found in Contaminated Water 692
    C Geometric Properties of Plane Surfaces 693
    D Statistical Tables 695
    D.1 Areas Under Standard Normal Curve 695
    D.2 Critical Values of the Chi-Square Distribution 697
    D.3 Critical Values for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Statistic 698
    E Special Functions 699
    E.1 Error Function 699
    E.2 Gamma Function 700
    F Bessel Functions 701
    F.1 Definition 701
    F.2 Evaluation of Bessel Functions 701
    F.2.1 Bessel Function of the First Kind of Order n 702
    F.2.2 Bessel Function of the Second Kind of Order n 702
    F.2.3 Modified Bessel Function of the First Kind of Order n 702
    F.2.4 Modified Bessel Function of the Second Kind of Order n 702
    F.3 Tabulated Bessel Functions 703
    F.3.1 I[subscript 0](x), K[subscript 0](x), I[subscript 1](x), and K[subscript 1](x) 703
    G Drinking-Water Standards 707
    G.1 Primary Drinking-Water Standards 707
    G.2 Secondary Drinking-Water Standards 709
    Bibliography 711
    Index 733
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