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Blackwell Companion to Consciousness
판매가격 59,000원
저자 Schneider
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Wiley-Blackwell
발행언어 영어
발행일 2007-1
페이지수 768
ISBN 9781405160001
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    List of figures and tables ix
    Notes on contributors xi
    Introduction Susan Schneider Max Velmans 1
    Problems of Consciousness 7
    A brief history of the scientific approach to the study of consciousness Chris Frith Geraint Rees 9
    Philosophical problems of consciousness Michael Tye 23
    The Domain of Consciousness 37
    Origins and Extent of Consciousness 39
    Consciousness in infants Colwyn Trevarthen Vasudevi Reddy 41
    Animal consciousness Colin Allen Mark Bekoff 58
    Rethinking the evolution of consciousness Thomas Polger 72
    Machine consciousness Igor Aleksander 87
    Some Varieties of Conscious Experience 99
    Normal and abnormal states of consciousness J. Allan Hobson 101
    Affective consciousness Jaak Panksepp 114
    Clinical pathologies and unusual experiences Richard P. Bentall 130
    Altered states of consciousness: drug-induced states Edward F. Pace-Schott J. Allan Hobson 141
    Meditation David Fontana 154
    Mystical experience David Fontana 163
    Breakdowns and the Unity of Consciousness 173
    The case of blindsight Lawrence Weiskrantz 175
    Split-brain cases Mary K. Colvin Michael S. Gazzaniga 181
    Philosophical psychopathology and self-consciousness G. Lynn Stephens George Graham 194
    Coming together: the unity of conscious experience Barry Dainton 209
    Some Contemporary Theories of Consciousness 223
    The hard problem of consciousness David Chalmers 225
    The global workspace theory of consciousness Bernard J. Baars 236
    The intermediate level theory of consciousness Jesse Prinz 247
    Representationalism about consciousness William Seager David Bourget 261
    Higher-order theories of consciousness Peter Carruthers 277
    The information integration theory of consciousness Giulio Tononi 287
    Quantum mechanical theories of consciousness Henry Stapp 300
    Daniel Dennett on the nature of consciousness Susan Schneider 313
    Biological naturalism John Searle 325
    Mysterianism Mark Rowlands 335
    Dualism, reductionism, and reflexive monism Max Velmans 346
    Naturalistic dualism David Chalmers 359
    Some Major Topics in the Philosophy of Consciousness 369
    Anti-materialist arguments and influential replies Joe Levine 371
    Functionalism and qualia Robert Van Gulick 381
    The knowledge argument Torin Alter 396
    The causal efficacy of consciousness Jaegwon Kim 406
    The neurophilosophy of consciousness Pete Mandik 418
    Type materialism for phenomenal consciousness Brian P. McLaughlin 431
    Sensory and perceptual consciousness Austen Clark 445
    Self-consciousness Jose Luis Bermudez 456
    Consciousness and intentionality George Graham Terence Morgan John Tienson 468
    Major Topics in the Science of Consciousness 485
    Topics in the Cognitive Psychology of Consciousness 487
    Attention and consciousness Nilli Lavie 489
    Inattentional blindness, change blindness, and consciousness Alva Noe 504
    Preconscious processing Phil Merikle 512
    Implicit and explicit memory and learning John E. Kihlstrom Jennifer Dorfman Lillian Park 525
    Consciousness of action Marc Jeannerod 540
    Topics in the Neuroscience of Consciousness 551
    Methodologies for identifying the neural correlates of consciousness Geraint Rees Chris Frith 553
    A neurobiological framework for consciousness Francis Crick Christof Koch 567
    A theory of micro-consciousness Semir Zeki 580
    Global disorders of consciousness Nicholas D. Schiff 589
    Large-scale temporal coordination of cortical activity as a prerequisite for conscious experience Wolf Singer 605
    Duplex vision: separate cortical pathways for conscious perception and the control of action Melvyn A. Goodale 616
    Consciousness and anesthesia John F. Kihlstrom Randall C. Cork 628
    Neural dominance, neural deference, and sensorimotor dynamics Susan Hurley 640
    Benjamin Libet\'s work on the neuroscience of free will William P. Banks Susan Pockett 657
    First-Person Contributions to the Science of Consciousness 671
    Cognition, fringe consciousness, and the legacy of William James Bruce Mangan 673
    Phenomenological approaches to consciousness Shaun Gallagher 686
    Eastern methods for investigating mind and consciousness Jonathan Shear 697
    An epistemology for the study of consciousness Max Velmans 711
    List of useful web resources in consciousness studies 726
    Name Index 729
    Subject Index 735
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