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Research Methods in Psychology, 3/Ed > 심리학


Research Methods in Psychology, 3/Ed
판매가격 59,000원
저자 Young
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Sage Publications
발행언어 영어
발행일 2006-6
페이지수 552
ISBN 9781412911283
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    List of Contributors
    How to Use This Textbook and Companion Website
    Part 1 The Bases of Research 1
    1 Theory, Method and Research Design 2
    1.1 Theory Building and Theory Testing 4
    1.2 Matching Methodologies to Theory 17
    1.3 Integrating Findings from Different Methodologies 22
    1.4 Further Reading 23
    2 Practical and Ethical Issues in Planning Research 24
    2.1 Introduction 26
    2.2 Formulating Research Questions 26
    2.3 Assessing the Practical Feasibility of the Research 33
    2.4 Assessing the Ethical Feasibility of the Research 38
    2.5 Considering the Possible Outcomes of the Research in Advance 43
    2.6 Applying for Research Funding 43
    2.7 Conclusion 47
    2.8 BPS and APA Addresses and Websites 48
    2.9 Further Reading 48
    3 Levels of Measurement 50
    3.1 Introduction 52
    3.2 Classifying Measurements 53
    3.3 Discrete Versus Continuous Variables 58
    3.4 Measurement Errors 59
    3.5 Choices over Levels of Measurement 60
    3.6 The Relationship Between Level of Measurement and Statistics 61
    3.7 Conclusion 63
    3.8 Further Reading 63
    4 The Experimental Method in Psychology 64
    4.1 Introduction 66
    4.2 Experimentation and the Scientific Method 66
    4.3 What is an Experiment? 67
    4.4 Causality and Experimentation 69
    4.5 Variables 69
    4.6 Reliability and Validity 73
    4.7 Experimental Manipulation and Control 74
    4.8 Basic Experimental Designs 74
    4.9 Evaluating the Experimental Method 85
    4.10 Conclusion 86
    4.11 Further Reading 87
    5 Quasi-Experimental Designs 88
    5.1 Introduction 90
    5.2 Pre-Experiments 90
    5.3 Quasi-Experiments 92
    5.4 Non-Equivalent Control Group Designs 93
    5.5 Time Series Designs 96
    5.6 Time Series with Non-Equivalent Control Group Designs 98
    5.7 Modifications to the Basic Designs 102
    5.8 Conclusion 103
    5.9 Further Reading 103
    6 Surveys and Sampling 104
    6.1 Introduction 106
    6.2 Statistical Inference: From Sample to Population 106
    6.3 Nonresponse 111
    6.4 Sampling Strategies 113
    6.5 Survey Mode 118
    6.6 Small-Sample Issues 119
    6.7 Conclusion 121
    6.8 Further Reading 121
    Part 2 Data Gathering 123
    7 Observational Methods 124
    7.1 Introduction 126
    7.2 What is Observational Research? 126
    7.3 Levels of Observation: Behaviour and Talk 132
    7.4 Observation and Theoretical Lenses 133
    7.5 Deciding what to Observe - Coding Schemes 134
    7.6 Interpretative Orientation to Observation 138
    7.7 Participant Observation Research 139
    7.8 Validity 144
    7.9 Conclusion 145
    7.10 Further Reading 145
    8 Psychophysiological Methods 146
    8.1 Introduction 148
    8.2 The Principal Areas of Physiological Data Acquisition 149
    8.3 Quantifying Biosignal Data 156
    8.4 Conclusion 159
    8.5 Further Reading 159
    9 Psychophysical Methods 160
    9.1 Introduction 162
    9.2 Principles of Absolute Thresholds 162
    9.3 Forced-Choice Techniques 167
    9.4 Methods for Measuring Absolute Thresholds 168
    9.5 Difference Thresholds 174
    9.6 Sensational Measurements 175
    9.7 Some General Tips on Running Experiments 178
    9.8 Conclusion 181
    9.9 Further Reading 181
    10 Using Psychometric Tests 182
    10.1 Introduction 184
    10.2 Types of Psychometric Test 185
    10.3 Classical Test Theory 189
    10.4 The Problem of Validity 199
    10.5 Item Response Theory 203
    10.6 Conclusion 208
    10.7 Further Reading 209
    11 Questionnaire Design 210
    11.1 Introduction 212
    11.2 What Information do You Want? 212
    11.3 Open Versus Closed Response Formats 214
    11.4 Common Response Formats 215
    11.5 Common Wording Problems 218
    11.6 Types of Information Gleaned from Questionnaires 223
    11.7 Existing Scales and Measures 228
    11.8 Questionnaire Layout 228
    11.9 Conclusion 231
    11.10 Further Reading 231
    12 Interviewing Methods 232
    12.1 Introduction 234
    12.2 The Interview Structure 235
    12.3 Piloting the Interview 240
    12.4 Conducting the Interview 241
    12.5 Medium of the Interview 243
    12.6 Interviewing Children 244
    12.7 Validity and Reliability of Interview Data 247
    12.8 Analysing Interview Data 250
    12.9 Reporting Interview Research 252
    12.10 Conclusion 253
    12.11 Further Reading 253
    13 Using Self-Recording: Diary and Narrative Methods 254
    13.1 Introduction 256
    13.2 What are Diary Techniques? 256
    13.3 What Sorts of Data are Suitable for Diaries? 258
    13.4 The Pros and Cons of the Diary Approach 259
    13.5 Getting the Best Out of Diary Techniques 263
    13.6 What are Narrative Techniques? 266
    13.7 Eliciting the Narrative 267
    13.8 Analysing Diary and Narrative Records 269
    13.9 Conclusion 271
    13.10 Further Reading 272
    14 Focus Groups 274
    14.1 Introduction 276
    14.2 The Appropriateness of the Focus Group Method 277
    14.3 What Type of Evidence do Focus Groups Yield? 278
    14.4 The Focal Stimuli 281
    14.5 Focus Group Design and Planning 283
    14.6 Focus Group Implementation 286
    14.7 Recording the Data 291
    14.8 Transcription 291
    14.9 Analysis of Focus Group Data 291
    14.10 Feedback of Results/Findings 296
    14.11 Future Developments in Focus Group Research 296
    14.12 Conclusion 297
    14.13 Further Reading 298
    15 Ethnographic and Action Research 300
    15.1 Introduction 302
    15.2 What is Ethnography? 302
    15.3 Problems in Ethnography 305
    15.4 Measuring Quality in Ethnographic Research 309
    15.5 Action Research 311
    15.6 Distinguishing Criteria of Action Research 315
    15.7 Conclusions 319
    15.8 Further Reading 320
    Part 3 Data Treatment 321
    16 Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis 322
    16.1 Introduction 324
    16.2 Ipa and Psychology 325
    16.3 Suitable Research Questions for Ipa 326
    16.4 How Many Participants? 327
    16.5 Data Collection Methods 329
    16.6 Stages of Analysis 332
    16.7 Writing Up and Ipa Study 338
    16.8 Conclusion 340
    16.9 Further Reading 340
    17 Grounded Theory 342
    17.1 Introduction 344
    17.2 Emergent Design, Flexibility and Iteration 346
    17.3 The Origin Point and Use of the Prior Literature 348
    17.4 Theoretical Sampling 350
    17.5 Storage: The Research Record 352
    17.6 Open Coding and Constant Comparison 353
    17.7 Theoretical Memos 357
    17.8 Core Analysis I: Refining and Saturating Categories 358
    17.9 Core Analysis II: Building Theory and Models 359
    17.10 Writing and Evaluating Grounded Theory Studies 361
    17.11 Conclusion 363
    17.12 Further Reading 364
    18 Discourse Analysis 366
    18.1 Introduction 368
    18.2 Discourse Analysis: Assumptions, Approaches and Applications 368
    18.3 Sampling Discourse 374
    18.4 Techniques of Discourse Analysis 375
    18.5 Working with Data 377
    18.6 Evaluating Discourse Analytic Work 382
    18.7 Problems in Discourse Analytic Work 384
    18.8 Conclusion 386
    18.9 Further Reading 387
    19 Principles of Statistical Inference Tests 388
    19.1 Introduction 390
    19.2 Some Basic Definitions 390
    19.3 What are Bivariate Statistical Analyses? 393
    19.4 Classical Bivariate Designs 393
    19.5 Theories and Hypotheses 396
    19.6 Type I and Type II Errors 397
    19.7 Probability 398
    19.8 Parametric Versus Non-Parametric Tests 406
    19.9 Choosing a Statistical Test 407
    19.10 Conclusion 413
    19.11 Further Reading 413
    20 Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis 414
    20.1 Introduction 416
    20.2 Examining Differences Between Groups 416
    20.3 Making Predictions 424
    20.4 Exploring Underlying Structure 430
    20.5 The Special Case of Categorical Data 440
    20.6 Conclusion 441
    20.7 Further Reading 442
    21 Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling 444
    21.1 Introduction 446
    21.2 The Idea of Model Fitting and Model Comparison 447
    21.3 Measurement Models and Confirmatory Factor Analysis 450
    21.4 Structural Models 458
    21.5 Analysis Strategy 460
    21.6 Other Things that Can be Done with Sem 461
    21.7 Cautionary Notes 463
    21.8 Conclusion 464
    21.9 Further Reading 464
    22 Meta-Analysis 466
    22.1 Introduction 468
    22.2 Quantifying the Review Process 469
    22.3 Steps in Conducting a Meta-Analysis 473
    22.4 Conclusion 480
    22.5 Further Reading 481
    References 482
    Index 510
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