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Transactional Analysis: 100 Key Points and Techniques > 심리학


Transactional Analysis: 100 Key Points and Techniques
판매가격 35,000원
저자 Widdowson
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Routledge
발행언어 영어
발행일 2009-9
페이지수 392
ISBN 9780415473873
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


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    도서 상세설명

    Introduction. Part I: Approaches in TA Practice. Three Modes of Therapeutic Action. The Classical School: Foundations. The Classical School: Methods. The Redecision School: Foundations. The Redecision School: Methods. The Cathexis School: Foundations. The Cathexis School: Methods. Radical Psychiatry: Foundations. Radical Psychiatry: Methods. Integrative TA: Foundations. Integrative TA: Methods. Cognitive-Behavioural TA: Foundations. Cognitive- Behavioural TA: Methods. Psychodynamic TA: Foundations. Psychodynamic TA: Methods. Relational TA: Foundations. Relational TA: Methods. Part II: The Therapeutic Relationship. The Initial Sessions. Therapeutic Inquiry. The Centrality of Empathy. Accounting for the Impact of Diversity in the Therapeutic Relationship. Conceptualizing the Therapeutic Relationship. Strengthening the Working Alliance by Attention to Tasks, Goals and Bonds. Considering Adapted Child Responses as Indicators of Alliance Rupture. The Therapeutic Alliance- Rupture and Repair. Important TA Concepts Related to Transference and Countertransference. The Drama Triangle as Tool to Explore Countertransference. Transference and Countertransference: An Aide Memoir of TA Models. Ending TA Therapy. Part III: Diagnosis. The Importance of Observation. Intake Assessment and Case Formulation. Assessing Suitability for TA Therapy. Using Berne’s Four Methods of Diagnosis. Applying of the Four Methods of Diagnosis. Developing Conversational Interviewing Technique for Script Analysis. Being Thorough in Structural Analysis. Adding in Ego State Dialogue to Develop Dynamic Structural Analysis. Accounting for Cultural and Religious Parent. Accounting for Oppression. Levels of Script- Protocol and Script Proper. Identifying Structural Level. Building-up the Script System. Exploring Counterscript. Analyzing Games. Escape Hatches as a Framework for Understanding Client Safety. Suicidal Ideation - A Brief Introduction. Diagnosis Check List. Part IV: Contracting. Contracting for the Tasks and Goals of Therapy. Contracting- Develop ‘Lightness of Touch’. Using a Standard Written Business Contract. Contracting with the Unsure Client. Behavioural Contracts. Dealing with Resistance or Non-compliance with Behavioural Contracts. The ‘Good Enough’ Contract. Contracting: Preparing for Conflict and Negative Transference. Part V: Treatment Planning. Comparative Treatment Sequences. Formulating Individualized Treatment Plans. Monitoring and Revising Treatment Planning. Psychotherapy as a Grieving Process. Treatment Sequence- A Relational View. Awareness, Spontaneity, Intimacy and Autonomy. Part VI: Avoiding Common Pitfalls. Being Realistic About Treatment Length. Avoiding Premature Contracting. Avoiding the Pitfall of ‘Certainty.’ Reducing the Risk of Iatrogenic Shaming. Avoiding Racket ‘OK-ness.’ Avoiding Marshmallowing. Teaching TA Concepts Sparingly. Part VII: Refining Therapeutic Skills. Balancing Challenge and Support. Optimizing Therapy by Assessment of Where the Client is Open and Where They Are Defended. Deepening Affect. Promoting Healthy Expression of Emotions. Promoting Emotional Literacy with ‘Homework’ Assignments. Encouraging Journaling to Promote Self-reflection. Differences between Decontamination and Deconfusion. How Clients Confirm Script Beliefs in Therapy. Using Alliance Rupture and Repair for Deconfusion. Use Metacommunicative Transactions. Therapy of Games. Therapy of Injunctions. Interventions and Approaches to Therapy of Injunctions. Escape Hatch Closure Revisited. Client Protection. Potency and Permission. Impasse Theory Revisited. Two-chair Parent Ego State Work- Some Guidelines. Two-chair Parent Ego State Work- Contraindications. Confrontation. Enhancing Effectiveness with Audio Recordings. Evaluating Interventions and Enhancing Skills. Record Keeping in TA Therapy. Promoting Mentalization. Cultivating Mindfulness. Script Development- An Ongoing Process. Helping Clients Identify and Build on their Strengths. Exploring Therapist’s Motivations. Self-Reflection and Appropriate Self-Disclosure. The Adult Ego State Revisited. TA as an Existential Psychotherapy. Analyzing Transactions.
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