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Finding Out: An Introduction to LGBT Studies > 심리학


Finding Out: An Introduction to LGBT Studies
판매가격 65,000원
저자 Meem
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Sage Publications
발행언어 영어
발행일 2009-1
페이지수 462
ISBN 9781412938655
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1. Before Identity: The Ancient World through the Nineteenth Century
    Greek Paiderastia
    Pederasty in Other Early Cultures: The Middle East and Far East
    Gender Variance in Pre-Columbian America and India
    Same-Sex Relationships and Desires in Judeo-Christian Cultures
    Desires for Identity
    Romantic Friendships and Boston Marriages
    Molly-Houses: Early Homoerotic Subculture in England
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    2. Sexology: Constructing the Modern Homosexual
    Victorian Sex: Some Background
    Sexology: Defining a Field of Study
    A Sexologist In-Depth: Havelock Elliss
    Paving the Way for Freud
    Sexology and Early Sexual Rights Movements
    Sexology’s Legacy
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    3. Toward Liberation
    Medical Models of Homosexuality
    Urban Life and Sexual Expression
    World War II and Homosexuality
    Mc Carthy and the Purge of the “Perverts”
    The Homophile Movement
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    4. Stonewall and Beyond
    Emerging Visibility and Activism
    AIDS Activism
    Antigay Backlash
    Gays in the Military and Hate Crimes Legislation
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    5. Nature, Nurture, and Identity
    Kinsey Scale
    After Kinsey
    Klein\'s Sexual Orientation Grid
    The Storms Sexuality Axis
    The Quest for the Gay Gene
    Nature-Nurture: What’s at Stake?
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    6. Inclusion and Equality
    Civil and Human Rights in a Global Context
    Inclusion versus Assimilation: Two Approaches to Securing Rights
    Exclusion, Inequality, and Physical Violence
    Exclusion and Inequality—Both “Outside” and “Inside”
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    7. Queer Diversities
    L . . .G . . .T . . .: A Story of Push and Pull
    Bisexual Erasure in the LGBT Community
    Q: Beyond Sexual Identity
    “A” for Allies
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    8. Intersectionalities
    The “Down Low” and Applied Intersectional Theory
    Women, Class, and Internationality
    Tools for Intersectional Analysis
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    9. Homosexed Art and Literature
    Whitman and His Descendants
    The Expatriates
    Performing Queer: Theater
    Homosexed Literature: Global Disruptions
    Fine Art: From the Beautiful to the Political
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    10. Lesbian Pulp Novels and Gay Physique Pictorials
    Physique Magazines
    Lesbian Pulp Novels
    Gay Male Pulp Novels
    Transgender Novels
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    11. Queer Transgressive Aesthetics
    Theoretical Transgressions: The Emergence of Queer Theory
    Art and Consumerism
    From Pornography to Sadomasochism
    Transgression and Politics
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    12. Censorship and Moral Panic
    Censorship, moral panic, and protection: introduction
    Oscar Wilde
    Radclyffe Hall
    Mapplethorpe and Riggs
    Queering Children’s Books
    Deepa Mehta
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    13. Film and Television
    Visibility and Representation
    Varieties of Queerness in Contemporary Film
    Small-Screen Queers
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    14. Queers and the Internet
    Access, Connection, and Identity
    Internet Censorship and Corporatization
    Internet Activism
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
    15. The Politics of Location: Alternative Media and the Search for Queer Space
    Documentary Films
    Film and Music Festivals
    Queer Music
    LGBT Journalism: Magazines, Newspapers, Comics
    Many Journeys, Many Homes
    Questions for Discussion
    References and Further Reading
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