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First Migrants: Ancient Migration in Global Perspective > 지구과학/천문학


First Migrants: Ancient Migration in Global Perspective
판매가격 39,000원
저자 Bellwood
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Wiley
발행언어 영어
발행일 2013-9
페이지수 326
ISBN 9781405189088
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 The Relevance and Reality of Ancient Migration 1

    Migration in Prehistoric Times 4

    Hypothesizing About Prehistoric Migrations 6

    Migrations in History and Ethnography 8

    The Helvetii 8

    Ancient China 9

    Medieval Iceland 10

    The Nuer of Sudan 10

    The Iban of Sarawak 12

    Relevance for Prehistoric Migration? 13

    2 Making Inferences About Prehistoric Migration 17

    Changes in Time and Space – Genes, Languages, Cultures 18

    Human Biology, Genetics, and Migration 19

    Demic Diffusion 21

    Language Families and the Study of Migration in Prehistory 22

    Language Family Spread: Lessons from Recent History 26

    Language Family Spread: Lessons from Anthropology 28

    Dating the Spreads of Language Families 29

    Cultures in Archaeology – Do They Equate with Linguistic

    and Biological Populations? 30

    Archaeology and the Study of Migration in Prehistory 32

    One End of the Spectrum – Intensive Culture Change

    without Significant Migration 32

    The Other End of the Spectrum – Intensive Cultural Change

    with Significant Migration 33

    3 Migrating Hominins and the Rise of Our Own Species 36

    Behavioral Characteristics and Origins of Early Hominins in Africa 38

    First Hominin Migration(s) – Out of Africa 1 41

    Unfolding Species in Time and Space 46

    Java, Flores, and Crossing the Sea 48

    Out of Africa 2? 50

    Out of Africa 3? The Origins of H. sapiens 52

    The Recognition of Modern Humans in Biology and Archaeology 54

    The Expansion of Modern Humans Across the African and

    Eurasian Continents, 130,000–45,000 Years Ago 58

    Africa 58

    The Levant and Southern Asia 60

    Northern and Western Eurasia 63

    The Fate of the Neanderthals 66

    Explanations? 67

    4 Beyond Eurasia: The Pioneers of Unpeopled Lands – Wallacea and Beyond, Australia, The Americas 71

    Crossing the Sea Beyond Sundaland 72

    How Many Settlers? 74

    The First Australo-Melanesians 76

    The Archaeology of Island Colonization – Wallacea, Melanesia, Australia 77

    Heading North and Offshore Again – Japan 81

    The Americas 83

    Getting to Beringia 84

    Circumventing the Ice 88

    The Rapid Unfolding of American Colonization 90

    5 Hunter-Gatherer Migrations in a Warming Postglacial World 96

    Postglacial Recolonizations in Northern Eurasia 97

    After the First Americans: Further Migrations Across Bering Strait 101

    Na-Dene and Yeniseian 101

    The Apachean Migration 104

    The Holocene Colonizations of Arctic Coastal North America 105

    The Thule Migration and the Inuit 107

    The Early Holocene Colonization of a Green Sahara 109

    Continental Shelves and Their Significance for Human Migration 112

    Holocene Australia – Pama-Nyungan Migration? 113

    Linguistic Prehistory during the Australian Holocene 117

    Who Were the Ancestral Pama-Nyungans? 119

    6 The First Farmers and Their Offspring 123

    Where and When Did Food Production Begin? 124

    Why Did Food Production Develop in Some Places, but Not Others? 127

    Why Was Domesticated Food Production Relatively Slow to Develop? 128

    Food Production and Population Expansion 129

    The Neolithic 133

    Food Production as the Driving Force of Early Agriculturalist Migration 135

    7 The Fertile Crescent Food Production Complex 140

    Agricultural Origins in the Fertile Crescent 141

    Neolithic and Chalcolithic Expansion Beyond the Fertile Crescent 147

    Anatolia and Southeastern Europe 147

    Neolithic Migration Beyond Greece and the Balkans 149

    The Steppes and Central Asia 151

    Iran, Pakistan, and South Asia Beyond the Indus 153

    Linguistic History and the Spread of the Fertile

    Crescent Food Production Complex 157

    Perspectives from Indo-European 157

    The Possible Significance of the Turkic and Yeniseian Languages in Central Asia 163

    West Eurasian Genetic and Population History in the Holocene 165

    Peninsular Indian Archaeology and Dravidian Linguistic History 168

    The Spread of the Fertile Crescent Food-Producing

    Economy into North Africa 169

    The Fertile Crescent Food Production Complex and Its Impact

    on Holocene Prehistory in Western Eurasia 172

    8 The East Asian and Western Pacific Food Production Complexes 178

    Agricultural Origins in the Yellow and Yangzi Basins of East Asia 178

    Migrations from the Yellow River Basin 181

    Migrations from the Yangzi Basin – Mainland Southeast Asia 182

    Early Rice and the Linguistic Record 187

    Genetics, Human Biology, and the East Asian Mainland during the Holocene 189

    Island Southeast Asia and Oceania 191

    The Colonization of Oceania 194

    The History of the Austronesian Language Family 197

    Biological Anthropology and the Austronesians 201

    The East Asian and Western Pacific Food Production Complexes and Their Impacts on Holocene Prehistory 204

    9 The African and American Food Production Complexes 210

    Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa 211

    West Africa and the Niger-Congo-Speaking Populations 213

    The African Food Production Complex in Perspective 218

    Holocene Migrations in the Americas 219

    The Central Andes 221

    Amazonia 224

    The Caribbean Islands 228

    Mesoamerica 229

    Northern Mesoamerica, the Southwestern United States, and the Uto-Aztecans 230

    The Eastern Woodlands 234

    The American Food Production Complexes and Their Impacts on Holocene Prehistory 238

    10 The Role of Migration in the History of Humanity 243

    References 249

    Index 299
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