도서 정보
도서 상세설명
1: Player 1 UP
A closer look at the games
Setting up your development environment
2: Tappy Defender – First Step
Planning the first game
Building the home screen
Coding the game loop
The PlayerShip object
Drawing the scene
Deploying the game
3: Tappy Defender – Taking Flight
Controlling the spaceship
Building the enemies
The thrill of flight scrolling the background
Things that go bump collision detection
4: Tappy Defender – Going Home
Displaying a HUD
Implementing the rules
Ending the game
Adding sound FX
Adding persistence
The finished game
5: Platformer – Upgrading the Game Engine
The game
Upgrading the game engine
6: Platformer – Bob, Beeps, and Bumps
The SoundManager class
Introducing Bob
Multiphase collision detection
Player input
Animating Bob
7: Platformer – Guns, Life, Money, and the Enemy
Ready aim fire
8: Platformer – Putting It All Together
Bullet collision detection
Adding some fire tiles
Eye candy
9: Asteroids at 60 FPS with OpenGL ES 2
Asteroids simulator
Introducing OpenGL ES 2
Preparing OpenGL ES 2
Building an OpenGL-friendly, GameObject super class
The spaceship
Drawing at 60 + FPS
10: Move and Draw with OpenGL ES 2
Drawing a static game border
Twinkling stars
Bringing the spaceship to life
Rapid fire bullets
Reusing existing classes
Drawing and moving the asteroids
Scores and the HUD
11: Things That Go Bump – Part II
Planning for collision detection
Performing the checks
Precise collision detection with the border
Precise collision detection with an asteroid
Finishing touches
Appendix A: Index