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Android NDK: Beginner's Guide, 2/Ed > PACKT 원서리스트


Android NDK: Beginner's Guide, 2/Ed
판매가격 49,000원
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-04
페이지수 494
ISBN 9781783989645
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Setting Up Your Environment
    Getting started with Android development
    Time for action preparing Windows for Android development
    Time for action installing Android SDK and NDK on Windows
    Time for action preparing OS X for Android development
    Time for action installing Android SDK and NDK on OS X
    Time for action preparing Ubuntu for Android development
    Time for action installing Android SDK and NDK on Ubuntu
    Time for action installing Eclipse with ADT on your OS
    Time for action creating an Android virtual device
    Time for action setting up an Android device

    2: Starting a Native Android Project
    Building NDK sample applications
    Time for action compiling and deploying San Angeles sample
    Creating your first native Android project
    Time for action creating a native Android project
    Interfacing Java with C/C++
    Time for action calling C code from Java
    Debugging native Android applications
    Time for action debugging a native Android application
    Analyzing native crash dumps
    Time for action analyzing a native crash dump
    Setting up a Gradle project to compile native code
    Time for action creating a native Android project
    Time for action using your own Makefiles with Gradle

    3: Interfacing Java and C/C++ with JNI
    Initializing a native JNI library
    Time for action defining a simple GUI
    Time for action initializing the native store
    Converting Java strings in native code
    Time for action handling strings in the native store
    Passing Java primitives to native code
    Time for action handling primitives in the native store
    Referencing Java objects from native code
    Time for action saving references to Objects in native Store
    Managing Java arrays
    Time for action handling Java arrays in native Store
    Raising and checking Java exceptions
    Time for action raising & catching exceptions in native Store

    4: Calling Java Back from Native Code
    Calling Java back from native code
    Time for action determining JNI method signatures
    Time for action calling back Java from native code
    Time for action allocating an object with JNI
    Time for action running and synchronizing a thread
    Processing bitmaps natively
    Time for action decoding a camera's feed
    Time for action processing pictures with the Bitmap API

    5: Writing a Fully Native Application
    Creating a native Activity
    Time for action creating a basic native Activity
    Handling Activity events
    Time for action stepping the event loop
    Time for action handling Activity events
    Accessing window surface natively
    Time for action displaying raw graphics
    Measuring time natively
    Time for action animating graphics with a timer

    6: Rendering Graphics with OpenGL ES
    Initializing OpenGL ES
    Time for action initializing OpenGL ES
    Time for action clearing and swapping buffers
    An insight into the OpenGL pipeline
    Loading textures using the Asset manager
    Time for action reading assets with the Asset manager
    Time for action compiling and embedding libpng module
    Time for action loading a PNG image
    Time for action generating an OpenGL texture
    Drawing 2D sprites
    Time for action initializing OpenGL ES
    Rendering particle effects
    Time for action rendering a star field
    Adapting graphics to various resolutions
    Time for action adapting resolution with off-screen rendering

    7: Playing Sound with OpenSL ES
    Initializing OpenSL ES
    Time for action creating OpenSL ES engine and output
    Playing music files
    Time for action playing background music
    Playing sounds
    Time for action creating and playing a sound buffer queue
    Recording sounds

    8: Handling Input Devices and Sensors
    Interacting with touch events
    Time for action handling touch events
    Detecting keyboard, D-Pad, and Trackball events
    Time for action handling keyboard, D-Pad, and trackball events natively
    Probing device sensors
    Time for action handling accelerometer events
    Time for action turning an Android device into a Joypad

    9: Porting Existing Libraries to Android
    Activating the Standard Template Library
    Time for action activating GNU STL in DroidBlaster
    Time for action read files with STL stream
    Time for action using STL containers
    Porting Box2D to Android
    Time for action compiling Box2D on Android
    Time for action running Box2D physics engine
    Prebuilding Boost on Android
    Time for action prebuilding Boost static library
    Time for action compiling an executable linked to Boost
    Mastering module Makefiles

    10: Intensive Computing with RenderScript
    What is RenderScript ?
    Executing a predefined Intrinsic
    Time for action creating a Java UI
    Time for action running RenderScript Blur intrinsic
    Writing a custom Kernel
    Time for action writing a luminance threshold filter
    Combining scripts together
    Time for action combining Intrinsics and scripts together

    11: Afterword
    Where we have been
    Where you can go
    Where to find help
    This is just the beginning

    Appendix A: Index
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