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Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook, 2/Ed > PACKT 원서리스트


Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook, 2/Ed
판매가격 39,000원
저자 Berg
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015
페이지수 408
ISBN 9781784390082
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Maintaining Jenkins
    Using a test Jenkins instance
    Backing up and restoring
    Modifying the Jenkins configuration from the command line
    Installing Nginx
    Configuring Nginx as a reverse proxy
    Reporting overall storage use
    Deliberately failing builds through log parsing
    Adding a job to warn of storage use violations through log parsing
    Keeping in contact with Jenkins through Firefox
    Monitoring via JavaMelody
    Keeping track of script glue
    Scripting the Jenkins CLI
    Global modifications of jobs with Groovy
    Signaling the need to archive

    2: Enhancing Security
    Testing for OWASP's top 10 security issues
    Finding 500 errors and XSS attacks in Jenkins through fuzzing
    Improving security via small configuration changes
    Avoiding sign-up bots with JCaptcha
    Looking at the Jenkins user through Groovy
    Working with the Audit Trail plugin
    Installing OpenLDAP
    Using Script Realm authentication for provisioning
    Reviewing project-based matrix tactics via a custom group script
    Administering OpenLDAP
    Configuring the LDAP plugin
    Installing a CAS server
    Enabling SSO in Jenkins
    Exploring the OWASP Dependency-Check plugin

    3: Building Software
    Plotting alternative code metrics in Jenkins
    Running Groovy scripts through Maven
    Manipulating environmental variables
    Running Ant through Groovy in Maven
    Failing Jenkins jobs based on JSP syntax errors
    Configuring Jetty for integration tests
    Looking at license violations with Rat
    Reviewing license violations from within Maven
    Exposing information through build descriptions
    Reacting to generated data with the groovy-postbuild plugin
    Remotely triggering jobs through the Jenkins API
    Adaptive site generation

    4: Communicating Through Jenkins
    Skinning Jenkins with the simple themes plugin
    Skinning and provisioning Jenkins using a WAR overlay
    Generating a home page
    Creating HTML reports
    Efficient use of views
    Saving screen space with the Dashboard View plugin
    Making noise with HTML5 browsers
    An extreme view for reception areas
    Mobile presentation using Google Calendar
    Mobile apps for Android and iOS
    Knowing your audience with Google Analytics
    Simplifying powerful visualizations using the R plugin

    5: Using Metrics to Improve Quality
    Estimating the value of your project through sloccount
    Looking for "smelly" code through code coverage
    Activating more PMD rulesets
    Creating custom PMD rules
    Finding bugs with FindBugs
    Enabling extra FindBug rules
    Finding security defects with FindBugs
    Verifying HTML validity
    Reporting with JavaNCSS
    Checking code style using an external pom.xml file
    Faking Checkstyle results
    Integrating Jenkins with SonarQube
    Analyzing project data with the R plugin

    6: Testing Remotely
    Deploying a WAR file from Jenkins to Tomcat
    Creating multiple Jenkins nodes
    Custom setup scripts for slave nodes
    Testing with FitNesse
    Activating FitNesse HtmlUnit fixtures
    Running Selenium IDE tests
    Triggering failsafe integration tests with Selenium WebDriver
    Creating JMeter test plans
    Reporting JMeter performance metrics
    Functional testing using JMeter assertions
    Enabling Sakai web services
    Writing test plans with SoapUI
    Reporting SoapUI test results

    7: Exploring Plugins
    Personalizing Jenkins
    Testing and then promoting builds
    Fun with pinning JSGames
    Looking at the GUI samples plugin
    Changing the help of the FileSystem SCM plugin
    Adding a banner to job descriptions
    Creating a RootAction plugin
    Exporting data
    Triggering events on startup
    Groovy hook scripts and triggering events on startup
    Triggering events when web content changes
    Reviewing three ListView plugins
    Creating my first ListView plugin
    Appendix A: Processes that Improve Quality
    Fail early
    Data-driven testing
    Learning from history
    Considering test automation as a software project
    Visualize, visualize, visualize
    Conventions are good
    Test frameworks and commercial choices are increasing
    Offsetting work to Jenkins nodes
    Starving QA/integration servers
    Avoiding human bottlenecks
    Avoiding groupthink
    Training and community
    Visibly rewarding successful developers
    Stability and code maintenance
    Resources on quality assurance
    And there's always more
    Final comments

    Appendix B: Index1
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