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Jenkins Essentials > PACKT 원서리스트


Jenkins Essentials
판매가격 22,000원
저자 Soni
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-07
페이지수 186
ISBN 9781783553471
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Exploring Jenkins
    Introduction to Jenkins and its features
    Installation of Jenkins on Windows and CentOS
    A jump-start tour of the Jenkins dashboard
    How to change configuration settings in Jenkins
    What is the deployment pipeline?
    Self-test questions

    2: Installation and Configuration of Code Repository and Build Tools
    An overview of a build in Jenkins and its requirements
    Installing Java and configuring environment variables
    Installing, configuring, and operating SVN on CentOS and Windows
    Integrating Eclipse with code repositories
    Installing and configuring Ant
    Installing Maven
    Configuring Ant, Maven, and JDK in Jenkins
    Installing and configuring Git
    Creating a new build job in Jenkins with Git
    Self-test questions

    3: Integration of Jenkins, SVN, and Build Tools
    Creating and configuring a build job for a Java application with Ant
    Creating and configuring a build job for a Java application with Maven
    Build execution with test cases
    Self-test questions

    4: Implementing Automated Deployment
    An overview of continuous delivery and continuous deployment
    Installing Tomcat
    Deploying a war file from Jenkins to Tomcat
    Self-test questions

    5: Hosted Jenkins
    Exploring Jenkins in OpenShift PaaS
    Exploring Jenkins in the Cloud CloudBees
    An overview of CloudBees Enterprise Plugins
    Jenkins case studies from CloudBees
    Self-test questions

    6: Managing Code Quality and Notifications
    Integration with Sonar
    Exploring Static Code Analysis Plugins
    E-mail notifications on build status
    Self-test questions

    7: Managing and Monitoring Jenkins
    Managing Jenkins master and slave nodes
    Jenkins monitoring with JavaMelody
    Managing disk usage
    Build monitoring with Build Monitor Plugin
    Managing access control and authorization
    Maintaining roles and project-based security
    Audit Trail Plugin an overview and usage
    Self-test questions

    8: Beyond Basics of Jenkins – Leveraging "Must-have" Plugins
    Extended Email Plugin
    Workspace cleanup Plugin
    Pre-scm-buildstep Plugin
    Conditional BuildStep Plugin
    EnvInject Plugin
    Build Pipeline Plugin
    Self-test questions

    Appendix A: Index
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