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Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook > PACKT 원서리스트


Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook
판매가격 33,000원
저자 Najera Gutierrez
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2016-02
페이지수 296
ISBN 9781784392918
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Setting Up Kali Linux
    Updating and upgrading Kali Linux
    Installing and running OWASP Mantra
    Setting up the Iceweasel browser
    Installing VirtualBox
    Creating a vulnerable virtual machine
    Creating a client virtual machine
    Configuring virtual machines for correct communication
    Getting to know web applications on a vulnerable VM

    2: Reconnaissance
    Scanning and identifying services with Nmap
    Identifying a web application firewall
    Watching the source code
    Using Firebug to analyze and alter basic behavior
    Obtaining and modifying cookies
    Taking advantage of robots.txt
    Finding files and folders with DirBuster
    Password profiling with CeWL
    Using John the Ripper to generate a dictionary
    Finding files and folders with ZAP

    3: Crawlers and Spiders
    Downloading a page for offline analysis with Wget
    Downloading the page for offline analysis with HTTrack
    Using ZAP's spider
    Using Burp Suite to crawl a website
    Repeating requests with Burp's repeater
    Using WebScarab
    Identifying relevant files and directories from crawling results

    4: Finding Vulnerabilities
    Using Hackbar add-on to ease parameter probing
    Using Tamper Data add-on to intercept and modify requests
    Using ZAP to view and alter requests
    Using Burp Suite to view and alter requests
    Identifying cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
    Identifying error based SQL injection
    Identifying a blind SQL Injection
    Identifying vulnerabilities in cookies
    Obtaining SSL and TLS information with SSLScan
    Looking for file inclusions
    Identifying POODLE vulnerability

    5: Automated Scanners
    Scanning with Nikto
    Finding vulnerabilities with Wapiti
    Using OWASP ZAP to scan for vulnerabilities
    Scanning with w3af
    Using Vega scanner
    Finding Web vulnerabilities with Metasploit's Wmap

    6: Exploitation – Low Hanging Fruits
    Abusing file inclusions and uploads
    Exploiting OS Command Injections
    Exploiting an XML External Entity Injection
    Brute-forcing passwords with THC-Hydra
    Dictionary attacks on login pages with Burp Suite
    Obtaining session cookies through XSS
    Step by step basic SQL Injection
    Finding and exploiting SQL Injections with SQLMap
    Attacking Tomcat's passwords with Metasploit
    Using Tomcat Manager to execute code

    7: Advanced Exploitation
    Searching Exploit-DB for a web server's vulnerabilities
    Exploiting Heartbleed vulnerability
    Exploiting XSS with BeEF
    Exploiting a Blind SQLi
    Using SQLMap to get database information
    Performing a cross-site request forgery attack
    Executing commands with Shellshock
    Cracking password hashes with John the Ripper by using a dictionary
    Cracking password hashes by brute force using oclHashcat/cudaHashcat

    8: Man in the Middle Attacks
    Setting up a spoofing attack with Ettercap
    Being the MITM and capturing traffic with Wireshark
    Modifying data between the server and the client
    Setting up an SSL MITM attack
    Obtaining SSL data with SSLsplit
    Performing DNS spoofing and redirecting traffic

    9: Client-Side Attacks and Social Engineering
    Creating a password harvester with SET
    Using previously saved pages to create a phishing site
    Creating a reverse shell with Metasploit and capturing its connections
    Using Metasploit's browser_autpwn2 to attack a client
    Attacking with BeEF
    Tricking the user to go to our fake site

    10: Mitigation of OWASP Top 10
    A1 Preventing injection attacks
    A2 Building proper authentication and session management
    A3 Preventing cross-site scripting
    A4 Preventing Insecure Direct Object References
    A5 Basic security configuration guide
    A6 Protecting sensitive data
    A7 Ensuring function level access control
    A8 Preventing CSRF
    A9 Where to look for known vulnerabilities on third-party components
    A10 Redirect validation

    Appendix A: Index
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