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Learning Angular 2 > PACKT 원서리스트


Learning Angular 2
판매가격 35,000원
저자 Deeleman
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2016-05
페이지수 352
ISBN 9781785882074
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Creating Our Very First Component in Angular 2
    A fresh start
    Setting up our workspace
    Hello, Angular 2!
    Enhancing our IDE
    Diving deeper into Angular 2 components

    2: Introducing TypeScript
    Understanding the case for TypeScript
    Types in TypeScript
    Functions, lambdas, and execution flow
    Classes, interfaces, and class inheritance
    Decorators in TypeScript
    Organizing our applications with modules
    The road ahead

    3: Implementing Properties and Events in Our Components
    A better template syntax
    Configuring our template from our component class

    4: Enhancing Our Components with Pipes and Directives
    Directives in Angular 2
    Manipulating template bindings with Pipes
    Putting it all together in the Pomodoro task list
    Building our own custom pipes
    Building our own custom directives
    A word about naming conventions for custom directives and pipes

    5: Building an Application with Angular 2 Components
    Introducing the component tree
    Common conventions for scalable applications
    How dependency injection works in Angular 2
    Introducing the Pomodoro App directory structure
    Refactoring our application the Angular 2 way

    6: Asynchronous Data Services with Angular 2
    Strategies for handling asynchronous information
    Reactive functional programming in Angular 2
    Introducing the HTTP API
    A real case study serving Observable data through HTTP

    7: Routing in Angular 2
    Adding support for the Angular 2 router
    Setting up the router service
    Handling route parameters
    Defining child routers
    The Router lifecycle hooks

    8: Forms and Authentication Handling in Angular 2
    Two-way data binding in Angular 2
    Tracking control interaction and validating input
    Controls, ControlGroups, and the FormBuilder class
    A real example our login component
    Mocking a client authentication service
    Running the extra mile on access management

    9: Animating Components with Angular 2
    Creating animations with plain vanilla CSS
    Animating components with the AnimationBuilder
    Developing custom animation directives
    Looking into the future with ngAnimate 2.0

    10: Unit testing in Angular 2
    Why do we need tests?
    Parts of a unit test in Angular 2
    Setting up our test environment
    Angular 2 custom matcher functions
    Testing pipes
    Testing components
    Testing routes
    Testing services
    Testing directives
    The road ahead

    Appendix A: Index
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