도서 정보
도서 상세설명
1: Getting Up and Running with Cassandra
What Cassandra offers, and what it doesn't
Installing Cassandra
Bootstrapping the project
Creating a keyspace
2: The First Table
Creating the users table
Inserting data
Selecting data
Developing a mental model for Cassandra
3: Organizing Related Data
A table for status updates
Working with status updates
Anatomy of a compound primary key
Beyond two columns
Compound keys represent parent-child relationships
Coupling parents and children using static columns
Refining our mental model
4: Beyond Key-Value Lookup
Looking up rows by partition
Retrieving status updates for a specific time range
Paginating over rows in a partition
Reversing the order of rows
Paginating over multiple partitions
Building an autocomplete function
5: Establishing Relationships
Modeling follow relationships
Storing follow relationships
Looking up follow relationships
Unfollowing users
Using secondary indexes to avoid denormalization
6: Denormalizing Data for Maximum Performance
A normalized approach
Partial denormalization
Fully denormalizing the home timeline
Write complexity and data integrity
7: Expanding Your Data Model
Viewing a table schema in cqlsh
Adding columns to tables
Deleting columns
Updating the existing rows
Removing a value from a column
Inserts, updates, and upserts
Lightweight transactions have a cost
8: Collections, Tuples, and User-defined Types
The problem with concurrent updates
Collection columns and concurrent updates
Using lists for ordered, nonunique values
Using maps to store key-value pairs
Collections in inserts
Collections and secondary indexes
The limitations of collections
Working with tuples
User-defined types
Choosing between tuples and user-defined types
Comparing data structures
9: Aggregating Time-Series Data
Recording discrete analytics observations
Recording aggregate analytics observations
Recording analytics observations
10: How Cassandra Distributes Data
Data distribution in Cassandra
Data replication in Cassandra
Handling conflicting data
Distributed deletion
Appendix A: Peeking Under the Hood
Using cassandra-cli
The structure of a simple primary key table
Compound primary keys in column families
Collection columns in column families
Appendix B: Authentication and Authorization
Enabling authentication and authorization
Setting up a user
Controlling access
Authorization in action
Security beyond authentication and authorization
Wrapping up
Appendix C: Index