도서 정보
도서 상세설명
1: Setting Up OpenCV
Choosing and using the right setup tools
Installing the Contrib modules
Running samples
Finding documentation, help, and updates
2: Handling Files, Cameras, and GUIs
Basic I/O scripts
Project Cameo (face tracking and image manipulation)
Cameo an object-oriented design
3: Processing Images with OpenCV 3
Converting between different color spaces
The Fourier Transform
Creating modules
Edge detection
Custom kernels getting convoluted
Modifying the application
Edge detection with Canny
Contour detection
Contours bounding box, minimum area rectangle, and minimum enclosing circle
Contours convex contours and the Douglas-Peucker algorithm
Line and circle detection
Detecting shapes
4: Depth Estimation and Segmentation
Creating modules
Capturing frames from a depth camera
Creating a mask from a disparity map
Masking a copy operation
Depth estimation with a normal camera
Object segmentation using the Watershed and GrabCut algorithms
5: Detecting and Recognizing Faces
Conceptualizing Haar cascades
Getting Haar cascade data
Using OpenCV to perform face detection
6: Retrieving Images and Searching Using Image Descriptors
Feature detection algorithms
7: Detecting and Recognizing Objects
Object detection and recognition techniques
Detecting cars
8: Tracking Objects
Detecting moving objects
Background subtractors KNN, MOG2, and GMG
The Kalman filter
9: Neural Networks with OpenCV – an Introduction
Artificial neural networks
The structure of an ANN
ANNs in OpenCV
Handwritten digit recognition with ANNs
Possible improvements and potential applications
Appendix A: Index