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Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron), 2/Ed > PACKT 원서리스트


Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron), 2/Ed
판매가격 33,000원
저자 Denton
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-11
페이지수 462
ISBN 9781785287725
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Preparing the Network for OpenStack
    What is OpenStack Networking?
    Preparing the physical infrastructure
    Physical server connections
    Separating services across nodes

    2: Installing OpenStack
    System requirements
    Initial network configuration
    Initial steps
    Installing OpenStack

    3: Installing Neutron
    Basic networking elements in Neutron
    Extending functionality with plugins
    Network namespaces
    Installing and configuring Neutron services
    Configuring Neutron services

    4: Building a Virtual Switching Infrastructure
    Virtual network devices
    Network types supported by Neutron
    Choosing a plugin and driver
    Visualizing traffic flow when using LinuxBridge
    Visualizing the traffic flow when using Open vSwitch
    Configuring the ML2 networking plugin
    Configuring the LinuxBridge driver and agent
    Configuring the Open vSwitch driver and agent

    5: Creating Networks with Neutron
    Network management
    Neutron ports
    Attaching instances to networks
    Exploring how instances get their addresses
    Exploring how instances retrieve their metadata

    6: Managing Security Groups
    Security groups in OpenStack
    An introduction to iptables
    Working with security groups
    Implementing security group rules
    Working with security groups in the dashboard
    Disabling port security

    7: Creating Standalone Routers with Neutron
    Routing traffic in a cloud
    Installing and configuring the Neutron L3 agent
    Router management in the CLI
    Network address translation
    Floating IP management
    Demonstrating traffic flow from an instance to the Internet
    Router management in the dashboard

    8: Router Redundancy Using VRRP
    Using keepalived and VRRP to provide redundancy
    Networking of highly available routers
    Installing and configuring additional L3 agents
    Configuring Neutron
    Working with highly available routers
    Decomposing a highly available router

    9: Distributed Virtual Routers
    Distributing routers across the cloud
    Installing and configuring Neutron components
    Routing east-west traffic between instances
    Centralized SNAT
    Floating IPs through distributed virtual routers

    10: Load Balancing Traffic to Instances
    Fundamentals of load balancing
    Integrating load balancers into the network
    Installing LBaaS
    Load balancer management in the CLI
    Building a load balancer
    Load balancer management in the dashboard

    11: Firewall as a Service
    Enabling FWaaS
    Firewall Management in the CLI
    Demonstrating traffic flow through a firewall

    12: Virtual Private Network as a Service
    An overview of IPSec
    Installing VPNaaS
    VPN management in the CLI
    VPN management in the dashboard
    A tale of two routers

    Appendix A: Additional Neutron Commands
    Neutron extensions
    Neutron agents
    Per-tenant quotas
    Cisco Nexus 1000V command reference
    VMware NSX command reference
    Nuage VSP command reference
    L3 metering
    The LBaaS v2 API

    Appendix B: Virtualizing the Environment
    Configuring VirtualBox networking
    Creating a virtual machine
    Configuring a virtual machine
    Installing the Ubuntu operating system
    Configuring virtual machine networking
    Accessing a virtual machine over SSH
    Changes to the OpenStack installation

    Appendix C: Index
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