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OpenCV By Example > PACKT 원서리스트


OpenCV By Example
판매가격 33,000원
저자 Joshi
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2016-01
페이지수 296
ISBN 9781785280948
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Getting Started with OpenCV
    Understanding the human visual system
    How do humans understand image content?
    What can you do with OpenCV?
    Installing OpenCV

    2: An Introduction to the Basics of OpenCV
    Basic CMake configuration files
    Creating a library
    Managing dependencies
    Making the script more complex
    Images and matrices
    Reading/writing images
    Reading videos and cameras
    Other basic object types
    Basic matrix operations
    Basic data persistence and storage

    3: Learning the Graphical User Interface and Basic Filtering
    Introducing the OpenCV user interface
    A basic graphical user interface with OpenCV
    The graphical user interface with QT
    Adding slider and mouse events to our interfaces
    Adding buttons to a user interface
    OpenGL support

    4: Delving into Histograms and Filters
    Generating a CMake script file
    Creating the Graphical User Interface
    Drawing a histogram
    Image color equalization
    Lomography effect
    The cartoonize effect

    5: Automated Optical Inspection, Object Segmentation, and Detection
    Isolating objects in a scene
    Creating an application for AOI
    Preprocessing the input image
    Segmenting our input image

    6: Learning Object Classification
    Introducing machine learning concepts
    Computer Vision and the machine learning workflow
    Automatic object inspection classification example
    Feature extraction

    7: Detecting Face Parts and Overlaying Masks
    Understanding Haar cascades
    What are integral images?
    Overlaying a facemask in a live video
    Get your sunglasses on
    Tracking your nose, mouth, and ears

    8: Video Surveillance, Background Modeling, and Morphological Operations
    Understanding background subtraction
    Naive background subtraction
    Frame differencing
    The Mixture of Gaussians approach
    Morphological image processing
    Slimming the shapes
    Thickening the shapes
    Other morphological operators

    9: Learning Object Tracking
    Tracking objects of a specific color
    Building an interactive object tracker
    Detecting points using the Harris corner detector
    Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector
    Feature-based tracking

    10: Developing Segmentation Algorithms for Text Recognition
    Introducing optical character recognition
    The preprocessing step
    Installing Tesseract OCR on your operating system
    Using Tesseract OCR library

    11: Text Recognition with Tesseract
    How the text API works
    Using the text API

    backindex: Appendix A: Index
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