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OpenCV with Python By Example > PACKT 원서리스트


OpenCV with Python By Example
판매가격 33,000원
저자 Joshi
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-09
페이지수 296
ISBN 9781785283932
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Applying Geometric Transformations to Images
    Installing OpenCV-Python
    Reading, displaying, and saving images
    Image color spaces
    Image translation
    Image rotation
    Image scaling
    Affine transformations
    Projective transformations
    Image warping

    2: Detecting Edges and Applying Image Filters
    2D convolution
    Edge detection
    Motion blur
    Erosion and dilation
    Creating a vignette filter
    Enhancing the contrast in an image

    3: Cartoonizing an Image
    Accessing the webcam
    Keyboard inputs
    Mouse inputs
    Interacting with a live video stream
    Cartoonizing an image

    4: Detecting and Tracking Different Body Parts
    Using Haar cascades to detect things
    What are integral images?
    Detecting and tracking faces
    Fun with faces
    Detecting eyes
    Fun with eyes
    Detecting ears
    Detecting a mouth
    It's time for a moustache
    Detecting a nose
    Detecting pupils

    5: Extracting Features from an Image
    Why do we care about keypoints?
    What are keypoints?
    Detecting the corners
    Good Features To Track
    Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
    Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF)
    Features from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST)
    Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features (BRIEF)
    Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB)

    6: Creating a Panoramic Image
    Matching keypoint descriptors
    Creating the panoramic image
    What if the images are at an angle to each other?

    7: Seam Carving
    Why do we care about seam carving?
    How does it work?
    How do we define "interesting"?
    How do we compute the seams?
    Can we expand an image?
    Can we remove an object completely?

    8: Detecting Shapes and Segmenting an Image
    Contour analysis and shape matching
    Approximating a contour
    Identifying the pizza with the slice taken out
    How to censor a shape?
    What is image segmentation?
    Watershed algorithm

    9: Object Tracking
    Frame differencing
    Colorspace based tracking
    Building an interactive object tracker
    Feature based tracking
    Background subtraction

    10: Object Recognition
    Object detection versus object recognition
    What is a dense feature detector?
    What is a visual dictionary?
    What is supervised and unsupervised learning?
    What are Support Vector Machines?
    How do we actually implement this?

    11: Stereo Vision and 3D Reconstruction
    What is stereo correspondence?
    What is epipolar geometry?
    Building the 3D map

    12: Augmented Reality
    What is the premise of augmented reality?
    What does an augmented reality system look like?
    Geometric transformations for augmented reality
    What is pose estimation?
    How to track planar objects?
    How to augment our reality?
    Let's add some movements

    backindex: Appendix A: Index
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