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OpenGL ES 3.0 Cookbook > PACKT 원서리스트


OpenGL ES 3.0 Cookbook
판매가격 58,000원
저자 Singh
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2015-5
페이지수 514
ISBN 9781849695527
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: OpenGL ES 3.0 on Android/iOS
    Programming shaders in OpenGL ES shading language 3.0
    Loading and compiling a shader program
    Linking a shader program
    Checking errors in OpenGL ES 3.0
    Using the per-vertex attribute to send data to a shader
    Using uniform variables to send data to a shader
    Programming OpenGL ES 3.0 Hello World Triangle
    Using JNI on Android to communicate with C/C++
    Developing an Android OpenGL ES 3.0 application
    Developing an iOS OpenGL ES 3.0 application

    2: OpenGL ES 3.0 Essentials
    Building prototypes using the GLPI framework
    Implementing touch events
    Rendering primitives with vertex arrays
    Drawing APIs in OpenGL ES 3.0
    Efficient rendering with Vertex Buffer Object
    Transformations with the model, view, and projection analogies
    Understanding the projection system in GLPI
    Culling in OpenGL ES 3.0
    Depth testing in OpenGL ES 3.0

    3: New Features of OpenGL ES 3.0
    Managing variable attributes with qualifiers
    Grouping uniforms and creating buffer objects
    Managing VBO with Vertex Array Objects
    Reading and writing buffer objects with mapping
    Render multiple objects with geometry instancing
    Rendering multiple primitives with primitive restart

    4: Working with Meshes
    Creating polygon meshes with Blender
    Rendering the wavefront OBJ mesh model
    Rendering the 3Ds mesh model

    5: Light and Materials
    Implementing the per-vertex ambient light component
    Implementing the per-vertex diffuse light component
    Implementing the per-vertex specular light component
    Optimizing the specular light with the halfway vector
    Gouraud shading – the per-vertex shading technique
    Phong shading – the per-fragment shading technique
    Implementing directional and point light
    Implementing multiple lights in a scene
    Implementing two-side shading

    6: Working with Shaders
    Implementing the wobble and ripple effect
    Procedural texture shading with object coordinates
    Creating the circular pattern and making them revolve
    Generating the brick pattern
    Generating the polka dot pattern
    Discarding fragments
    Procedural texture shading with texture coordinates

    7: Textures and Mapping Techniques
    Applying texture with UV mapping
    Efficient rendering with the ETC2 compressed texture
    Applying multiple textures
    Implementing Skybox with seamless cube mapping
    Implementing reflection and refraction with environment mapping
    Implementing render to texture with Frame Buffer Objects
    Implementing terrain with displacement mapping
    Implementing bump mapping

    8: Font Rendering
    Font rendering with the FreeType project
    Rendering different languages with Harfbuzz
    Rendering text on Head Up Display

    9: Postscreen Processing and Image Effects
    Detecting scene edges with the Sobel operator
    Making the scene blur with the Gaussian blur equation
    Making a scene glow real time with the bloom effect
    Painting the scene like a cartoon shading
    Generating an embossed scene
    Implementing grayscale and CMYK conversions
    Implementing fisheye with barrel distortion
    Implementing the binocular view with procedural texturing
    Twirling the image
    Sphere illusion with textured quadrilateral

    10: Scene Management with Scene Graphs
    Implementing the first scene using a scene graph
    Adding local and relative transformations
    Adding parent-child support in the scene graph
    Creating complex models with a transformation graph
    Implementing picking with the ray trace technique
    Implementing 2D textured button widgets
    Navigating the scene with a camera system
    Implementing the scene with multiple views

    11: Anti-aliasing Techniques
    Understanding the sampling rate technique
    Understanding the post processing technique
    Implementing fast approximate anti-aliasing
    Implementing adaptive anti-aliasing
    Implementing an anti-aliased circle geometry

    12: Real-time Shadows and Particle System
    Creating shadows with shadow mapping
    Softening the shadow edges using PCF
    Using variance shadow mapping
    Simulating the particle system
    Transform feedback particle system with sync objects and fences
    appA: Appendix A: Supplementary Information on OpenGL ES 3.0
    The fixed function and programmable pipeline architecture
    Software requirements for OpenGL ES 3.0 – Android ADT
    Developing the Hello World Triangle application on Android Studio with OpenGL ES 3.0
    Software requirements for OpenGL ES 3.0 – iOS
    Opening a sample project on Android ADT and iOS
    Application of the Lambert's cosine law
    Calculating cosine between two vectors

    backindex: Appendix B: Index
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